When spreading, the darkness takes the form of black clouds that can kill small beings, like humans, on contact.

After covering the world perpetual darkness, Gatanozoa's reign of terror affected all life on the planet. Gatanozoa quickly annihilate the human population there, driving Yuzare’s civilzation into extinction, despite warnings from two alien beings who had seen Gatanozoa’s power first hand in the Darkness War. It found one in a form of an ancient Earth in a dimesion that has just lost its Ultras in a civil war. During the Darkness War Gatanozoa decided to escape into another universe, hoping to annihilate it without interruption. The God of Destruction, Gatanozoa was born in a dimension of shadows alongside its Lovecraftian breathen, including Mother of Shadows. Origin: Another dimension, before hibernating at a place known today as Krakatoa, Indonesia.